The purpose of this particular post is to explain how to script your mono-service2 as a daemon and register that daemon to run at start-up and be killed at shutdown. It’s important to note this post explains how to script daemons for Raspbian on Wheezy using init.d not system.d. At the time of writing this post the latest version of Raspbian used Wheezy.
This is part three of a series of posts: click here for the previous post.
Scripting Daemons
As mentioned in the first post, migrating services from Windows to Linux is not straight forward as the concept of a service is very different in Linux. To begin with we need to script the daemon, this is how we can refer to the service later on and define some behaviours for it, e.g. stop, start reload, as well as some meta data. Daemons are scripted in bash which is fairly easy to get into and is highly recommended for any prolonged work in Linux: eventually you just start writing bash scripts to do your job for you.
Daemon Script
Below is an example of the script used to daemonise our service. This is based on the skeleton script found in /etc/init.d/skeleton.
1 |
Script Location
Once you’ve created your script it needs to be moved into /etc/init.d and made executable. You can make your script executable by running the following command as super user:
1 | chmod +x MyService |
Running the Service
This will allow you to begin to refer to the daemon. You should now be able to manually start, stop and reload the service by using the name.
1 | service MyService start|stop|reload |
Running Service on Startup
Now the daemon has been scripted it can be referenced during startup and shutdown. This can be done by linking the script from init.d into the appropriate run levels.
There are seven run levels in Debian, however the run levels we want for startup are 2 - 5 (full multi-user mode).
To link these to the run levels use the command ln -nsf with the script name and destination location for the run condition, which is /etc/rc.d/ with the script name prefixed with S99. This tells Linux to start the service (_S_) and in the oder of _99_, as each service is started in a specific order due to dependencies. Linux will later rearrange the order as it sees fit, so the number is largely irrelevant.
1 | ln -nsf /etc/init.d/MyService /etc/rc2.d/S99MyService |
The runlevels desired for shutdown are 0 (system halt), 1 (single user) and 6 (system reboot). This is done similar to the startup links but using the prefix K01, again Linux will rearrange the shutdown order as it sees fit.
1 | ln -nsf /etc/init.d/MyService /etc/rc0.d/K01MyService |
In order to finalise the scripts being registered run update-rc.d with the daemon name and which run levels to enable. This is should also rearrange the start and kill orders for the new script links.
1 | update-rc.d MyService enable 2 3 4 5 |
If you reboot the device you should now see it appear during boot in the order it’s decided for you, looking something like this:
1 | [ ok ] Starting Description Goes Here! : MyService |